We were infinite for a moment.
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Wednesday, 28 September 2011
The Libertines - Death on the Stairs
"She's sweet like nothing, it's just like nothing at all"
Indeed,Peter Doherty is a fucking genius
Saturday, 24 September 2011
one of the best book i’ve ever read.
“Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor…
This is the story of what it’s like to grow up in high school. More intimate than a diary, Charlie’s letters are singular and unique, hilarious and devastating. We may not know where he lives. We may not know whom he is writing. All we know is the world he shares. Caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it puts him on a strange course through uncharted territory. The world of first dates and mixed tapes, family dramas and new friends. The world of sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite.
Through Charlie, Stephen Chbosky has created a deeply affecting coming-of-age story, a powerful nover that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant roller coaster days known as growing up.”
I just finished reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. It took me a few hours, and it was great. You should read it.
First, there are soooooo many quotable lines in this book that it’ll blow your mind. The kinds of lines that you will never forget, that you’ll come back to again and again…and you get the point. :)
Charlie, the narrator, is a wonderful character. He’s complex, young, and (what I liked best of all) honest. He makes really genuine (for lack of a better word, I suppose) observations about his life and the people around him.
The supporting characters were interesting. They were complete without having to delve too deeply into their back-stories.
The book is full of references to pop culture. Various bands and songs are mentioned. Also, since Charlie reads a lot in the book, there are many, many references to various books other books.
This is the sort of book that makes people think, and feel. I just think you should read it, if you haven’t already!
“So, this is my life. And I want you to know that I am both happy and sad and I’m still trying to figure out how that could be.”
— Charlie
Strawberry Fields Forever
“Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.
It’s getting hard to be someone but it all works out.
It doesn’t matter much to me.”
-The Beatles, Strawberry Fields Forever
I think it’s my favourite...
Friday, 23 September 2011
Arcade Fire - Sprawl II (mountains beyond mountains) Live SNL Nov 2010
When I first saw this I couldn't stop watching her performance. I was drawn to how she sings because she's totally singing from her heart- and that's what makes singing beautiful. She may not be the best singer in the world, but she's expressing herself. Not suppressing. Regine is the shit. Which is what the entire song is about... so cool. One of my favorite songs. Every instrument is making an important contribution to the complete sound in this song.The song is hook-y. the voice trembles and cracks.
That little kiss Win gives her at the end.
Things you can do to be happier:
Go to bed earlier
Finish things ahead of time
Eat whole-food
Be present
Listen to music
Think positively
Drink lots of water
Be productive
Eat fresh fruit
Breathe deeply
Go for a bike ride
Because thats what I am. I deserve to be fought for.
I love being Home Alone.
I cry over things …
I dance like nobody’s watchin’ …
I go out for a drive …
I do things I’m not proud of …
I sit on the computer for 17 hours …
I eat anything I see …
And, then everyone comes home, and their like “What’d you do all night?”
And, I’m just like …
… Nothing …
Leaving means changing, even in the smallest ways.
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
My Books Recomendations
Veronika Decides To Die-Paulo Coelho
The Perks of Being a Wallflower-Stephen Chbosky
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger
DaVinci Code, The Lost Symbol, Deception Point, Digital Fortress - Dan Brown
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Series) - Stieg Larsson
The Canterbury Tales - Geoffery Chauler
The Book Thief - Markus Zusak
Pride and Prejudice / Persuasion - Jane Austen
Harry Potter series - JK Rowling
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Time Traveller’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger
Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll
Atonement - Ian McEwan
The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold
The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl
Water for Elephants-Sara Gruen
Dear John/ The Notebook/The Last Song - Nicholas Sparks
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time- Mark Haddon
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz-Lyman Frank
The Virgin Suicides-Jeffrey Eugenides
A Midsummer Night’s Dream-William Shakespeare
The Metamorphosis-Franz Kafka
Where Would I Be Without You?-Guillaume Musso
Girl Interrupted-Susana Kaysen
The Marbury Lens-Andrew Smith
Carrie- Stephen King
The Lonely Hearts Club-Elizabeth Eulberg
Paranormalcy-Kiersten White
The Black Cat-Edgar Allan Poe
Cathedral of the Sea-Ildefonso Falcones
Of course, I don’t even think I need to mention the Harry Potter series
As a result,I am a total book worm.
Those are my all-time favourites for now. I’ll keep adding as I read.
Monday, 19 September 2011
To stay afloat on top of it.
“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it.”
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Este tiene que ser el mejor de los mejores viral vids de Youtube.Puedo pasar horas y horas riendo de esto jaja
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
I just started watching Misfits.I regret that I didn’t watch it previously.
Anyway, the series is brilliant....its like Heroes meets Skins...anyone here can agree that this show is fuckin' awesome!!
I always thought his power had to do something with lying, during the intro scene you see a wolf shadow form behind nathan, as in "the boy who cried wolf."
In almost every episode he lies about something and then the episode is formed mostly about that lie.
Im gonna watch the misfits for get back my happineesss.
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Escape the Fate - Issues
i truly love this song, its really quite tremendous in the way that they can relate with this song to all of our own problems :) and besides, craig is amazing and i think the band flows alot better now that ronnie has a band that fits his style and craig has one to fit his :) :) LOVE THIS SONG!
Tuesday, 4 January 2011
Bring Me The Horizon - It Never Ends
the video is weird... in a artistic way, but I believe fits with the lyrics....but the song is forever in my heart
And finally I got want I really wanted.

Wicked Ways Lipglass is from the Cruella de Vil sect of MAC's Venomous Villains Collection. I'm really loving all of the dark glosses and lipsticks.
Is a red lipglass pigmented enough to be worn alone and sheer enough to add punch to any lipstick. If red is your thing, the lipglass is a must have. It goes on smoothly, doesn't settle in lip lines and gave my lips a plump, full finish. I love this lipglass alone, worn with a neutral look. I cannot wait to test this on my next night out!

Being a huge fan of Lady Gaga, I had to check this out. At first I was a little skeptical because the color is such a bright pink and I'm very very pale (Bright colors do NOT look good on me, believe me!) But I bought it anyway. Oh my god, I'm in love with ittt <3 It is the most beautiful shade of pink, and it's sheer which is perfect. It makes my lips look fuller, and it looks amazing on me. Plus, the money you spend goes to help others. What could be better? I highly suggest this product, especially if you're a Little Monster
Friday, 31 December 2010
2011, you have no fucking idea what I have in store for you.
Bye bye 2010, Hello 2011!
May every day of the new year glow with good cheer and happiness, every moment filled with new hope, new joy and new beginnings for all of you :)
Time to leave the past behind and look foward to the future. It's a new decade, let's make the best of it!:)
More 8 hours and a few minutes for 2010 ending."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
You see I’m lovestruck, lovestruck, ohhh you,
Duffy – Lovestruck
Suddenly it hit me like, like in between the eyes,
It’s a physical ..andwe got it like I’m in paradise,
They say I’m crazy, but I know where I belong,
Any love .. you got me sleepless all night long.